You do not have to go far to enjoy the joys and happiness of bird watching. Our own backyards can serve as the fun place where new bird watchers can start learning from the basics.
To construct the best birdwatching area in your backyard, you can make use the service of bird feeders. Getting bird feeders is making sure that birds never ran out. Make sure you research how far away from each other the feeders should be. What to feed them is another thing that you should know something about.
Just like the feeders, the food that you select should depend in large part on what type of birds you are hoping to attract and where you live. Some of the more common types of bird feed are sunflower seeds, cracked corn, and thistle. Often found in a mix, pour this type of seed into a hopper type feeder to meet the needs of several different species at one backyard bird watching station.
Since you have constructed some feeders, which are very good ways of experiencing the birds on a greater level, you should ensure that the created place for backyard watching gets the complete view. Remove low hanging branches that may block your view. Do this when there are no bird around feeding on the feeders, sudden change in environment may disrupt their behaviour patterns.
Now that you are ready to begin your observations, you will find that you need some kind of magnifying device in order to see the birds better. A basic pair of binoculars to watch is usually sufficient for beginners, though you may find it better to mount a spotting scope near a bird watching picture window in your home. These optical devices will greatly increase your ability to identify birds and to get to them by their distinct markings and behaviours.
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